The settings which control the Who, What, When and How of Bidding at your online/mobile event are all found at: Site Settings > Events > Online Auction/Mobile Bidding > Bidding Settings:
- When do you want your items to open for bidding? When do you want them to close? You can create an online bidding group for each unique combination of open and closing date/time. You can edit the default Bidding group and/or create additional groups. As you enter items, you'll assign each to the desired bidding group. If you need to make changes, you can edit the bidding group and all assigned items will be automatically updated. Or you can reassign items to another group via individual or bulk edits from the catalog page.
- What Bid style do you want to use? Enter an Amount: bidders enter the amount they wish to bid. Quick Bids (single click buttons display for the next 3 bid increments) can encourage bidding frenzies at a live event. Max Bids (ebay-style): bidders specify the maximum bid they wish to place and the software auto-bids for them up to their stated maximum. Note that unrealized Max bids do not transfer to paper bidding. Combination: bidders can enter single bids or place a Max bid. Note that this option allows bidders to bid against their own Max bid, to increase their final bid if the item is transferring to paper bidding.

- Do you want to use Extended Bidding to make sure you capture all last minute bids at closing?
- Who is allowed to bid? Anyone? Ticketed Guests and/or Invited Users only?
- How do you want items awarded to the winners? Automatically at closing? Or do you want a chance to review results before awarding?
Choose the Bidding settings which work best for your unique event. Click on any of the embedded help icons on the setting page for more information about individual settings options and when they are most commonly used.
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