Note: Connecting the software to your gateway requires these specific Moneris account credentials:
- Store_id
- API Token
If you don't have your account credentials on hand, login to your Moneris account to retrieve them (instructions for viewing or generating a new API Token are provided at the end of this lesson).
To connect your event site to your gateway:
Go to: Site Settings > Customize Your Site > Payments/Credit Card > Setup Credit Card Gateway (requires Chair access)
- Select Moneris as your Gateway.
- Specify the types of Credit Cards Accepted.
- Enter your Store_id and API Token as shown.
Finish setting up credit card processing on your event site:
Go to Site Settings > Customize Your Site > Payments/Credit Card > Additional Credit Card Settings to edit the credit card descriptor and to set up offset fees, if desired.
Be sure to test your credit card processing with a live transaction!
Be sure to read the Important! Please Read! notice on this screen.
To View or Generate New API Token:
From Moneris Help Documentation: 13.5.7 API token: viewing/regenerating the token
The API Token is a store-specific string of alphanumeric characters. Moneris uses the API token to validate the identity of your online store when e-commerce transactions are being performed as part of an integrated Web solution. When you opt to send e-commerce transactions directly from your Website, the transaction requests originate from a Merchant Resource Center API.
Follow the steps below to view the current API token or to generate a new API token.
Important! You MUST NOT transmit this token in an e-mail or any other insecure communication medium. If you believe that your token has been compromised, you should generate another token.
1. On the menu bar, click on Admin > Store Settings.
2. Wait for the "Store Settings" page to display.
3. In the "API Token" area, the store's current API token should be displayed.
If you need to regenerate the API token:
Important! The old token cannot be re-activated/used once a new one is generated.
a. Click on the Re-generate API Token button.
b. Wait for the warning message to display.
c. Click on the Re-generate API Token button again.
d. Wait for the new API token to be generated.
e. Have all users currently logged into your store log out.
f. Ensure that your integrated Web solution is configured to support the new API token.
g. The operation is complete (users may now log in again).
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