To change the colors of key elements:
Go to Site Settings > Customize Your Site > Look and Feel > Custom Colors
Color Picker Instructions:
- Click on the circle to open the color picker
- Click or drag the selector to the desired color on the spectrum sidebar
- Click in the tone window in the area representing the desired shade/tone. Drag the small circle marker to adjust/preview the color - the hex code is updated in real time.
- Preview selected colors in the window and repeat as necessary to adjust.
- Save your changes.
Search for "free color picker" in your favorite browser to find free tools matching/finding hex codes for the colors in your uploaded image.
Review the look and feel of your changes
If you have customized colors on your site, be sure to review all pages and forms to ensure that critical elements aren't hidden or unreadable because the font color is similar to the background color.
Advanced customization options for web designers:
Go to Site Settings > Customize Your Site > Look and Feel > Custom CSS
If you are a web designer with CSS skills, you can write your own stylesheet, and make the site look exactly the way you want it to. NOTE: this is an expert-level feature, and we do not provide support to designers wishing to write their own CSS (but if your attempts go awry, you can simply delete any CSS entered above to revert to the default look and feel).
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