Most tools within the software can be used while accepting only cash or check payments or by accepting credit card payments that are processed external to the software (via a terminal provided by your merchant account/bank, Square, Paypal, etc).
Acorn subscriptions require credit card payments to complete online transactions. External and Custom Payment options are not available. Offline (in person) transactions accept credit card, cash, or check payments.
For in-person transactions, you can simply select the appropriate payment method (cash, check, or external) to record the payment on the order (after processing any credit card payments on your external device).
For online transactions, you must:
- Create a custom payment method with instructions for remitting payment for an order placed online (eg, please mail check to. . .and/or call 555-1212 to pay by credit card).
- If credit card info is provided, process the charge on your external device.
- Manage each order to apply payment once it has been received, then email a receipt.
These features REQUIRE online credit card processing and cannot be used without it:
- Vaulting cards for processing future transactions
- Online Donation Page (Donate Now)
- Self Check-in
- Self Check-out
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