Individual items can be combined into a basket/package and sold as a single "lot".
Before creating a lot, you'll need to add items for each separate donation. These individual items provide the documentation needed to track and acknowledge donor contributions.
Items can then be added (or removed) from a "master" lot item. Images, Donors, Descriptions, Restrictions from the individual items are automatically combined into the lot item but can be edited as desired.
The tax status of the individual items will be applied proportionally when the Lot item is sold - so the appropriate taxes can be collected on some, but not all, items in the lot. Each item's FMV is used to calculate the appropriate tax based on the total sale price - so the cumulative FMV on the lot item is not editable.
If you need to edit one of the items in the lot, you must first remove it from the lot. After you've edited it, the item can be re-added to the lot.
New Tax Handling on Items Combined into Lots (baskets): the software now supports lots containing items with mixed tax-status so if you are responsible for collecting taxes, be sure to specify the correct tax rate for each individual item within a lot BEFORE combining items to create a lot. The taxes will be calculated and assessed based on the tax status and FMV of individual items - proportional to the Total Lot FMV.
Lot items are added temporarily and will be returned to the catalog as standalone items if the Lot is not saved!
Note: The taxable status of items added to a Lot are not automatically applied to the lot itself. You must flag the entire lot as a taxable item if you wish taxes to be assessed and collected. Once items are added to a lot, their individual tax status will be ignored.
Note that only Master Lot Item has an item number. Be aware that edits made to items within lots do not update the Master lot. If you need to edit an item within a lot, first remove the item, make the edit, then add it back to the lot.
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