After the donation/sale, an email thanking the donor is generated by the system to confirm their donation/purchase. Each fundraising page has a separate confirmation template which can be customized with references and instructions specific to the campaign.
To view and edit confirmation email:
Go to: Site Settings > Events > Fundraising Campaigns > Campaigns, then click on the Edit button of the desired campaign:
Go to: Admin Settings > Advanced
- If you haven't already, specify the "From Name" and "Reply to" address for emails sent for this campaign.
- Click on the Advanced button (which doesn't display until the fundraising campaign has already been saved initially/created).
- Click on "Edit Confirmation" button to navigate to the Edit screen.
Edit Template and Preview
The default template uses [merge_tags] to provide specific information about the transaction:
- [give_page_confirmation_type] in the subject line provide the appropriate label (Receipt/Invoice/Pledge) depending on the transaction and payment.
- [give_page_payment_details] in the body provides the appropriate payment confirmation or instructions based on the type of transaction and payment.
The default template will work, as is, for all types of transactions completed on a fundraising page. If you are running an "athon" or pledge event where payments will be processed after the event, be sure to provide information about when and how payments will be collected/processed.
You can send yourself a generic preview of the template from this page. To see an actual confirmation, you must make a test transaction on your fundraising page to confirm the details of an actual transaction.
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