Note: Setting up credit card processing through the software is generally a one-time process. If you are a returning customer, click here for instructions on migrating your previous credit card settings to a new event site. Once migrated, you can review and edit the non-gateway settings such as offset fees and language.
When using the software, you have a wide range of choices regarding credit-card processing:
- If you don't have an existing merchant account, the easiest and fastest way to get started is by using the Deluxe processing service. You can be processing transactions within a few days and it has no setup, annual, monthly, or statement fees. The rate for this service is 3%, plus $0.30/transaction.
- Use your existing merchant account with If you don't already have an internet payment gateway account, the bank that holds your existing merchant account should be able to set you up with an account (works with most full-service merchant accounts).
- Use your existing credit card gateway account with one of our other (8) fully-supported gateways.
- You may also use Square (or another smartphone-based solution) alongside our software, but you will only be able to process payments in person, at check-out.
Option 2B: Get a new gateway (Plus/Professional)
If you are a Plus or Professional customer, and want to shop around, work with your bank. Call your account rep and ask them to set you up with a credit-card processing account that you can use for e-commerce processing from your auction website. They will probably ask what website software or shopping cart you will be using, tell them ( is too small of a company to appear on their list of known and approved software companies, but that’s okay, they are primarily concerned with the security functions that the gateway handles.)
Make sure that they either set you up with an account** , OR send you the VAR sheet that you can use to set up an account. When you get that, email it to and we will take it from there.
**Be sure you get a "brand-name" account as "compatible" gateways are NOT compatible with our software.
Option 4: Square, Intuit, Paypal or another stand-alone processor (Essentials/Plus/Professional)
Your bank may have offered you a terminal to use for processing cards at your event.
Or, you may have an iPhone and a Square card-reader, and thus assume that you are covered.
Or, you may have a PayPal account, and want to use that.
The good news is that if any of those situations describes you, you do indeed have the capability to submit transactions for processing. And you certainly can choose to use those alongside our software. However, those are stand-alone solutions, and they do not talk to our software. So you will only be able to process credit card charges in-person.
You will NOT be able to:
1. Use with an Acorn Plan
2. Accept credit card payments online for:
- Ticket sales
- Online auction
- Online donation page
- Self check-out
3. Utilize Advance Check-in
4. Store credit cards for later transactions by vaulting:
- during Ticket sales
- prior to Online Bidding
- at Check-in
- at Check-out
You can preview how these "external" transactions would be recorded within the software here.
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