The Admin tools for setting up an Online Auction/Mobile bidding are always visible to your team - but the public elements remain hidden to the public until you ready to launch. When the Online/Mobile feature is hidden to the public:
- Items will not display in the public catalog if they are only set up for online/mobile bidding. However, if they are flagged to be offered via both online/mobile bidding and paper/paddle bidding - they will display as Gala items.
- Any filters or categories in the catalog that pertain only to online/mobile items are hidden.
- The sticky navbar that makes it easier to navigate the catalog and place bids on a mobile device are hidden.
- The public will be able to use the signup button/link to register to create an account - but when they submit the form, they will be directed to the homepage rather than the catalog.
- The software will prevent your team from sending invitations to bid if the feature is hidden from the public.
There are additional tools for controlling the visibility of, and display order of items within the catalog:
Catalog Settings:
- Hiding the Catalog link in the header and catalog button on the homepage effectively blocks the public from accessing the page.
- The display sort order offers more options for the default sort order, including sorting by online closing time first.
Additional Catalog Settings for Online/Mobile Biddings:
- The button bar filter settings allow you to control whether the public see Online/Mobile items only, or before Gala Items.
- There is also a setting to hide online items that have already closed.
Item Settings:
- Individual items can be edited individually or in bulk to hide/display in the public catalog.
The Online/Mobile feature must be enabled in order for the public to view Online/Mobile specific elements:
Go to: Site Settings > Events > Online Auction/Mobile Bidding > Bidding Settings:
Catalog Settings:
Go to: Site Settings > Items > Catalog > Catalog Settings
- Hiding the Catalog link in the header and catalog button on the homepage effectively blocks the public from accessing the page.
- The display sort order offers more options for the default sort order, including sorting by online closing time first.
Additional Catalog Settings for Online/Mobile Bidding:
The Button Bar allows users to filter items based on where they are offered. You control which view is shown first (All/Gala/Online Mobile) - and whether users can change the filter:
To specify settings:
Go to: Site Settings > Items > Catalog > Additional Online/Mobile Settings
Item Settings:
Go to Catalog > Edit Item to edit a single item or Bulk Edit multiple items to Visible? = Yes/No
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