To setup Vanco as the gateway on your event site, you'll need the ability to login to your Vanco account to retrieve three identifiers:
- User ID
- Client ID
- password
Vanco-specific requirements:
- Encrypted card readers (swipers). Card info can be entered manually or you must acquire encrypted card readers from Vanco directly.
- Matching billing address info in order to vault credit cards. The software will automatically add these fields to your ticket and registration forms if you haven't already done so. The address fields will be displayed, but not automatically required (users will have to complete them in order to process a credit card). You may opt to require this info from all users by editing your ticket field settings.
- Minimum $5 transactions.
To Connect Your Gateway to Your Event Site:
Go to Site Settings > Customize Your Site > Payments/Credit Card > Setup Credit Card Gateway (requires Chair role to access)
Optional: Identifying transactions from multiple event sites
Vanco allows you to designate "Funds" within your account to direct revenue to.
You must first setup the desired fund(s) on your vanco account to generate the Fund ID:
To flag transactions from your event site to a specific fund: add a colon then the code (no spaces) to the end of your Api login (UserID:ClientID:FundID)
Example: E12345WS:ES12345:7 will flag all future transactions from the site for the Fund w/code = 7. Flags can be changed midstream (will not be applied retroactively) but all transactions from a single event site will be flagged with the specified code.
To View Transactions with Fund Flags:
Login to your Vanco account > Report Generator -> Daily Processing > View

Finish setting up credit card processing on your site:
Go to Site Settings > Customize Your Site > Payments/Credit Card > Additional Credit Card Settings
Be sure to read the "Important! Please Read!" notice before proceeding with setup.
Be sure to test with a live transaction and remember that transactions for amounts < $5 will fail.
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