"Type" controls:
- How an item is sold (competitive bidding vs fixed price)
- Where an item can be offered
- The initial Item Number assigned
Bidding Style and Pricing fields are conditional and display appropriately for the Type selected from the dropdown menu.
Since Type controls numerous conditional fields, Types are fixed and cannot be added/edited within the menu or bulk edited across items.
Designed Uses for each Type:
- Live: for items to be sold to the highest bidder by an auctioneer at a gala event.
- Silent: for items to be sold to the highest bidder via printed bid sheets and/or online/mobile bidding.
- Raffle: for "tickets" to be sold for any game of chance. Since games of chance are never tax-deductible, this type precludes any portion of purchase from reporting as a charitable contribution. Note: All states either regulate or prohibit online raffles (online gambling), so items with Type = Raffle cannot be sold online. If you have fulfilled all necessary requirements for your state, you can use Type = Sellable, FMV = Price, to offer raffle tickets online.
- Sellable: for items to be sold at a fixed price to one or more people.
- Signup: for fixed price/per person participation in a party/activity. Signup and Sellable types are identical, except Signup generates a readymade report of participant info to provide to the Event host(ess).
- Paddle Raise: for all types of cash donations (reports as a 100% charitable contribution).
- In Kind: for items to be used/consumed during the event rather than sold.
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