Even if you expect most of your guests to buy their tickets online, there are usually some that your team will need to enter.
When entering tickets for guests, your team MUST use the internal registration form at Tickets > Sell a Ticket.
Chair/Admin/Volunteer/Staff Users are blocked from using the Online (public) form because the buyer form begins with the email field. If a matching record is found on the Online (public) form, an invite is automatically sent to the email address which provides an easy way for the user to login and continue their ticket purchase. This feature prevents duplicate user records from being created. Your team is blocked from using the public page to avoid triggering this email - which would confuse buyers that are not buying their own ticket online.
The Online (public) and Internal registration forms look nearly identical, but the Internal form has several additional tools to make your data entry task easier.
- All ticket types display on the Internal ticket menu. This allows your team to issue tickets that are not available (or currently available) to Online buyers.
- The software will recognize and suggest existing user records if the name or email matches. So if you plan on entering most of your tickets internally, it makes sense to migrate or self-import/upload Users so you can select them rather than retyping their info.
- Asterisks denoting required fields still display, but your team will not be blocked from continuing if the fields are left empty. This allows you to issue the ticket without resorting to adding placeholder meal selections or email addresses when you don’t have the necessary information.
- The dropdown menu includes the full range of Payment options, including Pay at Event. If you are processing credit card payments for tickets outside of the software, you'll need to enable the External payment method at Site Settings > Customize Your Site > Payments/Credit Card > Custom/External Payments.
When entering tickets for guests, you will complete the registration process for each "order" (eg. all purchases made by a single buyer/payer).
If a business is buying the tickets, be sure to check the "Business Purchase" box in the Buyer Info header, so that the appropriate fields display.
If guest information has not been provided for a ticket, simply leave the guest info fields blank and the ticket will be created as an Unassigned guest of "Buyer's Name".
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