The Item form contains more than 25 fields; only 5 are required. Limiting your data entry to the data that is actually needed for your event will save time and avoid confusion.
Images are most useful when viewed in the web/online catalog. You can also add images to printed descriptions sheets (only the primary/first image will display for each item), but the cost of color printing will be significantly higher. Customers with Gala-only events, who don't invite guests to preview items online, often only add images to items that won't be physically displayed at the event.
Categories are only used to filter the web/online catalog and sales results. They do not display in printed materials. If you're running a gala event and won't be inviting your guests to preview items in your web catalog, you can limit your categories to those you wish to report results on (if any).
Location is most useful for keeping track of items that are being stored in various locations. Many customers only note location when an item has special instructions (eg. perishable, needs to be picked up on date/time).
Solicitor is most useful for private schools that track progress toward fundraising obligations and/or noting/tracking donations obtained based on a personal connection between solicitor and donor.
Status, Ready for Print, and Description Complete? are designed for reporting purposes only and have no programming effect. They are most useful for events with large teams handling data entry, and/or when different people are entering basic item info vs. crafting description text.
Elaborate, subjective Description text is great for items in the web and printed catalog, but dense text is less effective on printed description sheets, as Gala silent auctions are often crowded, with less than ideal lighting. . . Choose the style/extent of your description text based on where most of your active bidders will be viewing it.
The primary purpose of a Gift Certificate is to provide the necessary info and instructions for redeeming it. A copy and paste button is provided to add the item description to the Gift certificate text, but don't forget to provide the redemption instructions as well.
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