Donors (recommended):
Returning users can migrate (copy) donor records from one or more previous event sites. If you migrate donors from multiple sites, by default, the software will not create a duplicate record if a donor already exists with the exact same name so be sure to migrate your best donor records first.
Migrated donors will be replicated on your new event site along with a summary of any items donated on the event site of origin (as well as any previous donation histories from earlier migrations). Migrated donation history will be visible on individual donor records. Use the Customize button to add the history to your Donor page display.
If you migrate custom (user defined) fields, such as Item Pick Up Instructions for instance, from one site to another, be aware that data collected in those fields will also be migrated. In order to collect accurate data for your new event, you need to CLEAR any unwanted migrated custom field data on your new site.
Immediately after migrating, and before collecting any new custom field info, log into your site and go to Site Settings > Customize Your Site > Look & Feel > Custom Fields. Click the Clear Migrated Data button next to any fields where you wish to collect new info for your new event.
Items (Silent/Live items recommended for uncommon use cases only):
It is also possible to migrate items and their Donors from previous sites but it is only recommended for events with a tradition of having identical items offered from year to year (eg paddle raise/special appeal, raffles/games, signup parties, carnival games etc). If you decide to migrate items and their donors, do NOT disable the "prevent duplicate donor records" setting or a duplicate set of donor records will be migrated.
To distinguish past from "real" new items on the new site, items are migrated:
- with existing quantity (once migrated you can bulk edit to 0 if items are not actually in hand)
- flagged to NOT display in the public catalog (you can edit the visibility on individual items or via bulk editing if you want them to display).
- with "Migrated" in the location field
If you expect only a few repeat donations, remember that you can always refer back to the past site for the details.
If you know which items are likely to be repeat donations, you can migrate items by type (silent, signup, raffle etc) to bring over the fewest possible, then immediately select and bulk delete any items you are not confident will be repeat donations.
To Migrate (Copy) Donors:
You can view screenshots of all steps in the main migration help article.
From Event Site: Go to Dashboard > Your Account > Manage Events > Account Page > Events Info
- Click on the Migrate button of the event you want to migrate/copy info TO
- Click on the Migrate Data to the Site button
- Be sure to select the event site to migrate/copy data FROM from the dropdown menu.
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