(Make sure the account is an e-commerce type, with the Customer Information Manager option.)
To set-up Authorize.net as the gateway on your event site, you'll need:
- The ability to login to your Authorize.net account.
- A current software subscription and a Chair login for the event site
Steps required:
- Login to Authorize.net account
- Generate login/key - copy and paste in an accessible place for later use.
- Adjust security settings
- Enable Customer Information Manager (CIM), for card vaulting, if needed.
- Login to Software (Event Site) and paste in API codes and select settings.
Important! You will NOT be able to view the API Transaction Key (password) once you navigate away from the page it is issued on. If you already have an API Login ID, but don't know the Transaction Key, you must generate a NEW Transaction Key.
If your Authorize.net gateway account is in use on another web or software application, be aware that generating a new API Login ID and Transaction Key will also affect those connections. A single Authorize.net account will use the same account settings for each application (which may prevent you from using both applications simultaneously). This issue is most commonly encountered when an Authorize.net gateway is already in use with an online donations page. Setting up a new API login for the software will also update the settings for the existing account to match which can cause the existing application to stop working. Contact your Authorize.net account representative for assistance in configuring your gateway for simultaneous use on different online applications.
2a. To Create an initial API Login ID/Transaction Key on a New Account:
Copy API Login ID and Transaction Key
3. Important! Verify your Fraud Detection Settings
Typical Event Night transactions can look suspicious and trigger fraud flags:
- An unusually high number of transactions in a single day and/or hour. . .
- An unusual number of transactions submitted from a single IP address (laptop). . .
Make sure the Fraud Detection settings on your account will allow you to process your event night transactions!
If the Tools > Fraud Detection screen is covered by a yellow invitation to sign up for Advanced Fraud Detection, and you do not wish to enable the advanced features, you can also access the settings we recommend reviewing at Account > Security Settings > Fraud Detection.
The screenshots below include the Advanced tools. If you do not have Adv tools enabled, your display will be slightly different, but the key elements are recognizable.
Set All Card Processing Settings to "Process as Normal and Report Filter(s) Triggered"
Set Address Verification Setting (AVS) Filters to "Allow":
Important! If your ticket forms do not collect complete billing address information for each guest (via required fields), your AVS settings MUST be lowered.
4. Verify/Enable CIM to allow card vaulting:
Go to Tools > Customer Information Manager > Sign up . . .
Note: If CIM is already enabled on your account, a Customer Information Manager page will appear, and a link to "Discontinue Customer Information Manager (CIM)and terminate your CIM Service agreement" will appear below the Profile form.
Accept Terms and Conditions:
Note: Authorize.net has recently discontinued the $20 monthly fee for CIM on new accounts, so if you have a new Auth.net gateway, you should enable CIM now.
If you have an older Authorize.net account and have previously paid the fee, that fee structure still applies. You may choose to wait to enable CIM until you are ready to vault cards if you want to avoid unnecessary fees.
Confirm that CIM has been enabled:
5. Paste API codes into event software and specify settings:
Login to your event site, then Go to: Site Settings > Customize Your Site > Payment/Credit Card > Setup Credit Card Gateway (this tab is only visible when logged in with Chair role).
Optional: Add identifier to track where transactions originated
If you are processing credit cards on more than one event site, you can add a flag to each transaction that will allow your bookkeeper to trace/reconcile transactions to the event site that generated them.
Finish setting up credit card processing on your event site:
Go to Site Settings > Customize Your Site > Payments/Credit Card > Additional Credit Card Settings
Be sure to test with a live transaction.
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