Q: Our organization holds a small silent auction during our annual carnival/fair/open house. We don't charge admission and really don't want to issue free tickets, isn't there another option?
A: Yes - you can use the software to generate bid sheets, instruct supporters to bid with their names instead of a number, then use the POS (Point of Sale) feature as a cash register to record their purchases, process payments and issue receipts.
- Enter your items into the catalog. All item types can now be sold via POS.
- Enable the POS feature.
- Print bid and description sheets.
- Bidders place bids by writing their name rather than a bidder number.
- When bidding closes, use your customary system for communicating winners and organizing each winner's "bill".
- At check-out, use the POS feature to record each item purchased, process the payment and generate a receipt.
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