You can create thermometer display screens to be projected onto a wall, or shown on a tv/monitor screen to track progress toward your overall fundraising goal OR to track donations to your paddle raise/special appeal and acknowledge paddle raise donors.
Note: Donations made via bid paddle (entered by your team on the Auction Night screen) AND donations placed on your supporters' smartphones are acknowledged on the display screen, but the display screen is a mobile bidding feature. If you wish to use the display screen for gala, in-person donations only:
- the cash donation option must still be setup for both online/mobile + paddle donations (edit to "not visible to the public" to prevent folks from donating online).
- the online/mobile feature must be enabled (visible to the public) in order to launch the display screen.
To Create Display Screen:
Go to Site Settings > Events > Online Auction/MobileBidding > Mobile Bidding Display Screens
To Preview your Display Screen:
To test the floating donor acknowledgments, Go to Auction Night > Sell a Bulk Item to record a few fake donations, then use the Delete buttons in the history section to unwind the test donations.
Tip: Be sure to test your display well ahead of time to ensure your hardware works together.
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