You can enable built-in sharing functions to allow your supporters to share your homepage and/or individual items in your catalog on their Facebook pages or Twitter feed.
Be aware that the descriptor that Facebook displays along with the link is the Search Engine Description, which can be edited at Admin > Site Settings > Customize Your Site > General. If you edit the description after sharing, you will need to "scrape" the old data to refresh the cache before the new text will display (see below).
To Add Like and/or Tweet Buttons on Individual Catalog Items:
Go to Site Settings > Items > Catalog > Catalog Settings
Edit Descriptor as desired:

Tip: Every time your event site or an item is shared on Facebook, Facebook adds the image, Search Engine Title and Description details to its own memory (cache). When the same page is shared again (by anyone), Facebook doesn't get the latest information for displaying it. It simply uses what is already stored in Facebook memory. So, if the image, title or description change, the content Facebook shows will be the out-of-date information.
To update Facebook's memory stores, follow these steps...
- Go to
- Enter your current event site's URL then click on the Debug button
- On resulting page, click on the "Scrape Again" button and it'll update the Facebook cache and show the most current Search Engine description.
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