...by eliminating that whole "stand in line" and "password/login" thing
Your auction team will spend hours designing an event that is special and fun for your guests. We can play a part in that.
If you're having an in-person event, we can help you reduce (or even completely eliminate) lines at check-in and check-out, which we know (from lots of experience) makes guests very, very happy. Watch it in action here.
You can offer your guests the opportunity to check themselves in before the event (they can even vault their credit card info and print their bidder numbers) from their home computers, smartphones, or tablets. Find out how to set up Advance Check-in here.
At the end of the night, you can offer your guests the opportunity to use their smartphones to check themselves out. No more having to get up and go stand in line at the desk. Read more about setting up Self Check-out here.
Customers holding any kind of event (online-only, virtual live events, in-person galas) can also reach out to guests with Invitations- Invitations to Buy Tickets, Invitations to Sponsor, Invitations to Bid, Invitations to Attend Virtual Event, Invitations to Donate an Item, or to make a Cash Donation. These invitations, sent from your site, contain a personalized link connected to each recipient's information. All they have to do is click to get started - no password or login necessary. Learn more here.
These features make life easier for your guests and reduce the work your team has to do on event night. Setting them up is easy, but to use them you'll need email addresses for your guests. That's why we're planting the seed now: to point out how valuable email addresses are! Be sure to collect them as you sell tickets.
As always, you can find more help at the Help Overview Map on your site's dashboard (Admin > View Dashboard if you are already logged in). If you're stuck, help is just a click away via the Help widget on the right edge of every page.
Help is on every page!
P.S. We know you're off to a great start, so you won't hear from us again until about a month before your event. But as usual, those of you who want to read ahead can learn all about Auction Night Planning with Month to Go.
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