Acorn, Plus and Professional subscribers now have the option of bulk processing vaulted credit cards from the Auction Night > Check-out Screen OR Orders Page.
Important! Be sure to confirm that your credit card processing gateway settings will allow hundreds of credit card transactions to be submitted from the same IP address (computer) in a matter of minutes before using this feature. Most gateways offer fraud settings to detect when an unusual number of transactions (velocity threshold) are received per hour/day and/or from the same computer. Make sure your gateway settings will accommodate your day of event transactions!
Bulk Process from Auction Night Screen
From the Auction Night flowchart, click on the Check-Out button, then on the Bulk Process All Open orders button.
Review and Submit Orders for Processing
Be aware that ALL OPEN orders will be queued for processing from the Auction Night > Check-out screen. it's a good idea to review all open orders just prior to your event to make sure each is valid and ready to be processed. If there are orders you do not want processed, use the Bulk Process tools from the Orders page instead - where you can select/omit orders as desired.
Specify if Offset Fees should be added
If offset fees are enabled on your site, this screen will display, allowing you to add offset fees to ALL transactions processed. If you have not already clearly communicated that offset fees will be added, be aware that unexpected fees often lead to credit card chargebacks and bad will.
Confirmation Screen:
Bulk Process from Orders Page
From the Orders page, you have the opportunity to select only the orders you want to process vaulted cards for. Once selected and Bulk Processing launched, the process is identical the steps shown above.
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