You have the option of sending SMS/text outbid notifications to online bidders.
Note: To prevent spam and fraud (and because some recipients may incur charges from their mobile carrier), Bidders must Opt In to receive outbid messages via SMS/Text.
Outbid Text Notifications are enabled by default on event sites:
To verify or update, Go to: Site Settings > Customize Your Site > Email/Text Messaging > Standard SMS/Text Settings
When the Text Notification setting is enabled on your site, your supporters will be asked to provide their phone number and to Opt in or Out on any of the registration forms:
- Sign up to Bid form
- Online Ticket Buyer form
- Self Check-in form
- Welcome screen (landing page for Invitation to Bid)
Note: If you disable Text notifications, the Opt In/Out options will not be displayed on the pages above or My Account page. Deciding to send SMS/Text messages later will require emailing Invitations to Enable Text Notifications to collect authorizations.
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