This adds a level of navigation to your catalog to make it easy for your supporters to find the items they're most interested in bidding on.
Enabling this option will first display Item Categories (as a list or tiles). Clicking on any category will bring the user to the items within the category, with access to additional filters and a search function.
In the item view, breadcrumbs (eg Categories / Entertainment / Items without bids) are provided to allow users to easily verify and adjust their filters.
Note: Browse by Category feature is not available with some Legacy subscriptions.
To Enable Browse by Category:
Go to: Site Settings > Items > Catalog > Navigation and Views > Select Browse Categories, then choose Tile or List View
Note: Selecting Browse Master Categories creates three navigation layers, with Browse Categories as the middle level.
When enabled, the list of categories becomes the initial landing page for your public catalog:
Tile View

List View

Clicking on any category in the list will bring the user to the specified item view of the Catalog - filtered to show all of the items in the selected category:

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