In addition to accepting online cash donations from the Give page, you also have the option to include Cash Donation options as "items" in your online catalog for Special Appeals, Wishlists etc.
To Setup Online Cash Donation Option:
Go to: Site Settings > Items > Cash Donation Options, then click on the Edit button, or use the Add button to create a new option:
Specify your settings:
- Offer Cash Donation as a Donate at Auction item
- When you're ready, check the Display in Public Catalog box (and save). You also have the option of forcing it to display first by specifying the display order.
- Change Pledges via to "Online/Mobile".
- If you are planning on using the Special Appeal after online bidding concludes, use the add link to create a new online bidding group for the desired window of time for accepting donations from the catalog.
- Providing a target value will display the progress toward your goal in the item details.
- Choose your suggested donation levels (remember, only 6 will display) and check the box to allow your supporters to specify their own amount.
- Provide your pitch in the item description. You also have the option of embedding a video here.
- Save.
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